Friday, September 20, 2013

The Journals of Jacob and Hyde featured on Freebooksy

The Journals of Jacob and Hyde was featured on Freebooksy this morning. I woke up and checked my downloads and my first thought was that iOS 7 had screwed up Safari on my iPad. I checked my computer... nope it's real. I've had over 300 downloads of The Journals of Jacob and Hyde since this morning. They sent me a sweet badge to feature on my website and I don't have anywhere to put it... which is why I'm writing this short blog post. (They screen all the books submitted to them so being featured on Freebooksy is a pretty big deal. I've been rejected by them several times with other books.) 
I'm a featured author at Freebooksy
I'm also still deciding what I think overall of iOS 7 on my iPhone 5 and my iPad 2. I may post about it within the next few days. In the mean time, feel free to go check out your favorite author (which I'm assuming is me :-P) on Freebooksy. Here's a screenshot:

Yes, they kind of screwed up my title for the link... but I guess people don't care. You can check it out here. I'm almost halfway down the page.
9/24/13 - This free promo on Freebooksy resulted in over 1,500 downloads. I made it to #205 in the Amazon free store which is the highest ranking I've had on a free title so far.

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